Skillconnect Foundation
(Director-Success Coach & personal profiling for entrepreneurship development)
- It is a Social Enterprise, formed by group of professionals to create awareness about importance of Skills and how to develop, nurture such skills to survive personally and professionally
What do we do
- We connect the dots between Demand and Supply of Skills by generating symbiotic partnerships and collaborations for the purpose.
- Our Signature Program is SEED (Skill Enhancement and Entrepreneurship Development Program). It is designed to create 1 lac women entrepreneurs by the end of the year 2022.
Why US
- Our varied spectrum of activities help in generating strong network creating a conducive environment for generating employment and entrepreneurship opportunities.
- We give a platform especially to Women Entrepreneurs and provide a conducive environment to develop an ecosystem for budding & existing women entrepreneurs across the country.
We are Social Community
- As a Social enterprise and community builder we organize programs, workshops to empower women, youth, self help groups to sustain themselves through various Government Schemes and also provide end to end support like marketing, financial, legal and other services.
- Women empowerment
- To promote self-employment and Entrepreneurship culture.
- To enhance employability of educated youth through industry specific skill training
- Capacity building for mass employment generation in India.
- To promote, encourage and cultivate Self Employment in India
- To Stimulate new ventures and expansion of existing ventures.
- To upgrade managerial skills of existing entrepreneurs and develop potential capabilities for prospective entrepreneurs.
- To meet the Funding requirements of Entrepreneurs. –
Our Core Team
Adv. Gauri Chandrayan, Mentor & Director
Legal &
CA Sonali Saripalli, Founder Director
Skills & Finance
Dr. Prachiti Punde, Director
Medicine & Life Coach
Shrruti Clarence, Director
Image Enhancer & Consultant
Dr. Meetali More, Director
Entrepreneur Educator & Work Psychologist
Ideation Stage
Start Up
Established Startup
Stages of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneur Mentors, Corporates, NGOs, Social Organizations, Incubator, Accelerator, who can provide support in any form to the women entrepreneurs can register with us.
Counsellors, Psychologists, Employers, Trainers, Free Lancers, Soft Skill Trainers, Research Analysts, Educators can register with us.
To conduct Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps in the colleges
To Conduct Sector Specific Entrepreneurship Development Programme
To Conduct Faculty Development Programme in Entrepreneurship
To Conduct Bankers/ Development Officials Sensitization Programme on Small Industry
To Conduct Capacity Building Programme in urban and rural areas to increase employability pool.
To conduct Skill Development Courses in various sectors
To Conduct Women Entrepreneurship Development Programme
To undertake Industry consultancy services
To undertake research assignments
To collaborate with other agencies/ organizations for mutually beneficial activities
Activities at a Glance
Ongoing Activities at a Glance
Skill Enhancement and Entrepreneurship
Development Program
- SEED programme is designed to create a conducive environment for entrepreneurs in India.
- This environment will be a combination of economic, socio- cultural, and political factors that influence people’s willingness and ability to undertake entrepreneurial activities.
- We will help a person to strengthen his/ her entrepreneurial motive and acquire appropriate skills and capabilities necessary for playing the entrepreneurial role effectively.
- We will facilitate the availability of assistance and support services that accelerates the start-up process
Structure of SEED
Survey of entrepreneurial opportunities
Selection of Entrepreneurs
Profiling of Entrepreneurs
Creating Support system for entrepreneurs
Follow Up
Phases under SEED
Features of SEED
Identification and careful selection of entrepreneurs for training
Developing the entrepreneurial capabilities of the trainee
Equipping the trainee with the basic managerial understanding and strategies.
Ensuring a viable industrial project for each potential Entrepreneurs.
Helping him/her to secure the necessary financial, infrastructural and related assistance; and
Training cost is highly subsidised and only token fee is charged
Process of Selection of Entrepreneurs for SEED
- The program is well publicized and promoted to attract maximum applications for screening.
- Selection of top 25 to 30 applicants only in one batch
- Applications screened for: Demographics and socio cultural data age, education, work exp, financial resources, type of business etc
- Motivation factors – pull factors, source of encouragement, credibility, endurance, concreteness of plans
- Psychological test results-traits like risk taking, need for achievement
Skill Enhancement Training under SEED
Training will focus on developing:
- Entrepreneurial behaviors like taking initiative, grasping opportunity, Managing autonomously, solving problems creatively, Networking etc
- Entrepreneurial attributes like achievement orientation, self confidence, self esteem, high internal locus of control, hard working, determination
Entrepreneurial skills like Creative problem solving, negotiating, selling, strategic thinking, intuitive decision making under uncertainty
Importance of Training/development
Methods of Training
Individual Instruction
Group Instruction
Lecture Method
Demonstration Method
Written Instruction Method
Online and Physical Meetings
Organization Structure
We are Open to more
Collaborations & Partnerships
Outreach Program Infographics
Live Sessions
Employability Series
Entrepreneurship Workshops
Inspiring Journey Sessions
Experts Talk
Live Exhibitions
Our Footprints – National/International