5 Days 5 Bonuses

Day 1 – Positive thinking ,self talk and more
Day 2 – Positive Psychology,Explanatory Styles,Art of Being Self Aware and more
Day 3 – Components of mind ,conscious subconscious unconscious mind
Day 4 – Positive Affirmations,Finding your OWN CODES, Positive Mindset and more
Day 5 – Positive Attitude, Positive Attitude Hypnotherapy and more


1. Systems Thinking Model (how to think right)
2. Perceptual Positions
3. Shape Of Your Path
4. Circle of control and Sphere of Influence
5. Highly Self Sabotaging Beliefs know more

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Positive thinking affirmations attitude and psychology
Know differences
Use and customise your positive vibes
Stabilise once you customise your affirmations
Deal and heal self with recognising 3 beliefs patterns
Self acceptance and being
Re train your brain with 5 insights
Get your power back with circle of control
Attract good things and abundance and health
FAST ACTION BONUS a-worksheet to find your control and positive self !!


you’d like to make this period of uncertainty and turmoil the period that you experience the most glorious personal transformation of your entire lifetime…

…while battleproofing your everyday business work family life and high demand situations!!

Courses for 16 +Years above in 2 groups:-
1.Adults 30 years and above for self mastery 2.parents can gift to 16 to 30 years youth child as fb helping community closed groups or both will be as per age to maintain flow state)

Dr. Prachiti Punde
look to the future


Whats App +91 9373470725

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